
How Do You Determine the Right Mix of Content Types for Social Media Channels?

How Do You Determine the Right Mix of Content Types for Social Media Channels?

In the dynamic world of social media marketing, finding the perfect content blend is key to engaging audiences. We've gathered insights from eight industry experts, including Heads of Marketing and Directors, to shed light on their strategies. From testing and tracking audience reactions to how content ignites social media engagement, discover the varied approaches to crafting a successful content mix.

  • Test and Track Audience Reactions
  • Analyze Data for Content Strategy
  • Craft Content Based on Audience Psychology
  • Align Content with Customer Journey Stages
  • Combine Insights with Real-Time Experimentation
  • Use Engagement Data to Inform Mix
  • Apply the 80/20 Rule to Content
  • Content Ignites Social Media Engagement

Test and Track Audience Reactions

Honestly, the best approach is trial and error, as it depends on your audience. For us, it means a mixture of educational content, employee branding, and fun and lighthearted content like memes. It's probably 50% educational and then 25% of each of the other two types. The best thing would be if we could mix all of the categories together. When it comes to format, it's video and images that work the best for us. But again, I would recommend testing different things and then tracking the reactions and impressions.

Anders Thornild
Anders ThornildHead of Marketing, CyberPilot

Analyze Data for Content Strategy

Analyzing view counts and social media data is probably the best way to determine the right mix for your content. While experts might suggest that posts and carousels are making a comeback, you might find that your numbers don't align with their predictions. It's better to rely on your data to see what works best. If a particular type of content is getting the most views, stick with it. Conversely, if something is barely getting any views, there's no point in continuing to create that type of content.

AL Tran
AL TranBlogger, Author, Ai Trainer, DS Inspire

Craft Content Based on Audience Psychology

At our company, we dive deep into audience psychology by analyzing not just what our followers engage with, but why they engage with it. We use a combination of sentiment analysis and behavioral data to understand the emotional triggers that resonate most, allowing us to craft a diverse content mix that speaks directly to those motivations. By blending educational content with entertaining elements and interactive posts, we create a balanced ecosystem that keeps our audience both informed and entertained. This nuanced approach ensures that our content strategy is not only varied but also deeply aligned with our audience’s preferences and needs.

One of our standout content mixes involved a unique combination of interactive webinars, micro-videos, and in-depth case studies tailored specifically for our SaaS clients. By alternating between live, real-time engagement through webinars and bite-sized, easily digestible micro-videos, we kept our audience engaged across different formats and preferences. The addition of detailed case studies provided the necessary depth and authority, establishing our credibility and expertise. This multifaceted approach led to a 45% increase in lead generation and significantly boosted our client retention rates.

Marc Bishop
Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

Align Content with Customer Journey Stages

The right mix of content is determined by understanding the customer journey and aligning our content to each stage of that journey. We balance between informative posts that educate, storytelling that builds connection, and promotional content that drives action. By using audience personas and predictive analytics, we ensure that the content is not only varied but also highly targeted. This strategic approach ensures that our content mix meets our audience where they are, with the right message at the right time.

A particularly successful content mix involved rotating between thought-leadership articles, industry news updates, and motivational quotes. The thought-leadership pieces established our authority, while the news updates kept our audience informed about the latest trends, and the motivational quotes provided daily inspiration. This combination created a well-rounded content strategy that catered to both the intellectual and emotional needs of our audience, resulting in sustained engagement and growth in followers.

Jason Hennessey
Jason HennesseyCEO, Hennessey Digital

Combine Insights with Real-Time Experimentation

As a social media marketer, determining the right mix of content types is about understanding both your audience and the platforms they engage with. At RecurPost, we've found that combining data-driven insights with real-time experimentation is key. For example, our strategy often begins with a core mix of educational content, user-generated content (UGC), and short-form videos.

One particularly successful content mix we implemented was during a product launch where we used a blend of teaser videos, live Q&A sessions, and behind-the-scenes footage. This approach not only generated buzz but also created a deeper connection with our audience by making them feel part of the journey. The live sessions allowed us to address questions in real-time, which enhanced trust and transparency. By analyzing the performance of each content type and iterating based on real-time feedback, we were able to fine-tune our strategy and significantly boost our reach and engagement across platforms.

Dinesh Agarwal
Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

Use Engagement Data to Inform Mix

Determining the right mix of content types involves analyzing audience engagement data and experimenting with various formats. We use insights from tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to see which content types—such as promotional offers, educational tips, or customer testimonials—resonate most with our followers.

For example, we found a particularly successful content mix by combining 40% educational posts about storage tips and organizing hacks, 30% engaging customer testimonials and success stories, and 30% promotional content featuring limited-time offers and facility updates. This mix has not only increased our engagement rates by 25% but also boosted our lead generation by 18%, showing that a balanced and data-driven approach effectively meets our audience’s needs and interests.

Hannah Bono
Hannah BonoDirector of Marketing, Self Storage USA

Apply the 80/20 Rule to Content

At Custer Marketing, we apply the 80/20 rule to social media by focusing 80% of our content on what our audience wants to see and 20% on selling. The 80% includes valuable content like tips, behind-the-scenes insights, and engaging stories that resonate with our audience's needs and interests. This helps build trust and connection. The other 20% is direct promotions or calls to action, encouraging them to take the next step. By balancing content this way, we ensure your audience stays engaged without feeling overwhelmed by sales messages, ultimately driving better results.

Zach Custer
Zach CusterCEO, Custer Marketing

Content Ignites Social Media Engagement

"Content is fire, and social media is gasoline." That quote by Jay Baer pretty much sums up why nailing the right content mix is essential to social media success. The challenge? Knowing which content types will fuel the fire.

Step 1: Know What Your Audience Loves

Forget guessing! Dive into your analytics and see what your audience already enjoys. Are they loving short videos? Engaging with polls? Sharing infographics? If you’re not paying attention to likes, comments, and shares, you’re missing a goldmine of data. Listen to them, then give them more of what they want.

Step 2: Match Content to Business Goals

Content without purpose? Waste of time. If you’re aiming for brand awareness, visual and shareable content (like videos and graphics) should be your go-to. If your goal is to drive leads or educate, long-form content, case studies, or blog posts are where it’s at. Always ask: how does this piece of content help achieve my business objective?

Step 3: Mix It Up—With Purpose

Your audience doesn’t want the same type of content over and over. You’ve got to keep it fresh! Think of a blend that educates, entertains, and engages:

• Educational: Quick tips, tutorials, infographics.

• Entertaining: Short, snappy videos, behind-the-scenes content.

• Engaging: Polls, Q&As, user-generated content (UGC).

Different platforms demand different content. What kills on TikTok might flop on LinkedIn. Play to each platform’s strengths.

Step 4: Test, Test, and Refine

Here’s the kicker: no content mix is set in stone. Experiment! Try a new content format, track the results, and adjust based on what works. If a piece flops, learn from it and pivot. It’s all about refining your approach until you find the perfect balance.

My Winning Mix?

For a client in hospitality, I went with a 40/40/20 split:

• 40% video content (virtual tours, behind-the-scenes peeks),

• 40% informative posts (travel tips, blog snippets),

• 20% interactive content (polls, giveaways).

It worked like a charm. Engagement shot up, website traffic spiked, and we built a loyal following.

The secret sauce? Listen to your audience, align with your goals, and never stop tweaking your approach. That’s how you create a winning content mix!

Warren Abrahams
Warren AbrahamsDirector, Bee Social marketing

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